Tuesday, 1 November 2011

November brings the Rollers

Welcome to November and with it the end of British Summer Time, lets all say a big welcome and hello to the annual flu season, lots of leak and potatoes soup and to 5 months of leaden skies and early afternoon darkness.

November is also the month where I dust off the rollers, the turbo and settle down into a routine that sees gives me many, many hours of indoor saddle time with only the TV or the iPod for company.

For the most part I have no objection to this type of training.  I find it highly effective for building a base with which to work on come the spring. 

You cant free-wheel, you cant hide in the pack and effort (ie wattage) is easier to maintain a given sweet spot than days out on the road.  

It's great for an hour spinning at 230 watts, for tackling the 2 x 20min threshold sessions or even for replacing the long weekend ride. 5 hours on the turbo?  No problem.  Nice and easy.

That said, please..... roll on March.
Above: The rollers, my road until Spring

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