Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Early 2012 - Gently Does it

Today I went for my first outdoor ride of 2012.  While much of the UK was battered overnight and throughout the day with gale force winds, we seem to have avoided anything more than a stiff breeze, with the sum damage to the local area being it's ability to knock over a few peoples vast piles of New Year's recycling into the gutters.

As I'm still on holiday, I waited until latish in the afternoon before getting the warm trousers, gloves and coat ready.  There seemed little point in starting the year too hard so I set off and maintained a simple and easy pace well into the endurance zone (i.e. 180 - 220 watts).

With speed and effort being somewhat irrelevant to the ride I spent the best part of an hour and a half simply pottering around the outskirts of Newbury before heading home to a steaming cup of tea that Mrs T had already made in anticipation of my return.

A wonderful start to the riding year and no doubt come my planned dose of FTP testing later in the week, a ride I'd be happy to repeat over and over again.

A junction in The Ridegway, not far from West IIsley

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