Wednesday, 18 April 2012

A Momentary Set Back

For the the most part, I've been really quite happy with how the training has gone thus far in the run up to this year's La Marmotte.

Without in anyway wishing to jinx things, I've been, for me at least, remarkably free from illness and injury over the past six or so months. This is in stark contrast to a few years ago when during my Etape adventure when I seemed to fall ill or get injured on at least a bi-weekly basis.

What's even more interesting is that I've taken a far more serious approach to La Marmotte than I did the Etape. By this of course I mean I've trained harder, with more intensity but also using a power meter so I've been able to accurately gauge my efforts rather than relying on heart rate data with all those inherent and associated issues I've covered earlier in this blog.

Additionally I've been more serious in my diet and all round general health care. Lots of fruit, veg and plenty of sleep which I'm sure has helped me recover far better than my sessions for the 2010 Etape.

So forgive me my one and only reader if I have a little moan......

By Thursday evening of last week (12th April '12) I was feeling really, really sick. I had completed a 90min Sweet Spot session over an extended lunch time and not too long after felt a little queasy. Not long after cam a series of hot flushes as did a growing and building feeling of nausea. Within an hour of finishing my work-out and having showered and eaten I was tucked up in bed with all of the above symptoms and with a 39.4 degree temperature.

Man I felt rough.

And that's pretty much how things continued until mid afternoon on the Saturday when I began to feel a little better with the temperature dropping and with me feeling like I could eat something without seeing it again some 10 mins later.

Of course this meant last week was essentially over training wise come the Thursday. I was feeling well enough on the Sunday to sit on the rollers for a gentle 3 hour spin although I had hoped to rip up last weekend with a good 8 or 9 hours in the saddle.

Still. Clearly things weren't going too well with my insides and no doubt my body did what it did for a reason. Unlike me I doubt it can be intentionally a stubborn bugger....

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